Monday, May 16, 2011

making the move to WordPress

hey folks, I've gotten a bit tired of blogging on two separate blogs, so I'm currently in transition of moving from blogger to wordpress - I bought  my own domain "" and got an amazing deal through a twitter/blog friend (Kate @ MommyMonologues) for a year of hosting through dreamhosters - so while the url currently still points you right back to MLAAOW on blogger - as soon as the move is finished (Kate is still moving posts & comments right now, and I'm designing myself a new header) I'll soon be blogging at WordPress - I'm excited to have a blog that will allow me a little more control over the appearance of my blog, and also allow me to respond/communicate easier with my readers (my numbers may be small, but I appreciate every single one of you!!) ;)

Hope to see you soon at at WordPress :)


Betsy said...

"Like".... oh wait-- this isn't facebook. ;-)

Unknown said...

That's exciting news! One of these days I'm sure I'll make the move to wordpress too but I'm too lazy right now. I can' wait to see the new site!

Carri said...

YAY! Kate moved my blog and she did a great job! I'm so excited for you! xo