Friday, April 8, 2011


disclaimer: this post may not be for anyone with a weak stomach... it's not graphic, but still.

for the second week in a row I had to call in to work (on a FRIDAY!!) because Goose was/is sick... last week she started with a low fever, which turned into a higher fever (lingered between 102-103 degrees) refusal to eat anything, and two episodes of vomiting on Thursday night. Friday we went to the doctor, she tested negative for strep, was diagnosed with a stomach bug & prescribed rest & hydration... by Friday night her fever had broken and she was running around like normal on Saturday...

yesterday was Hubs' day off so he picked Goose up from daycare, ran an errand & arrived home shortly after me... that was about 24 hours ago... not even 10 minutes after they had arrived home she got sick while coloring (we lost a book from a friend & a photobook I made of her first year in that incident).... and while she's been sipping water & milk (her choice - ick! I hate milk when it comes back up all curdled - eww eww eww.) and even managed to get a few crackers down... but nothing stays down for long... and the process (of vomiting) terrifies her... she looks at me with her eyes all wide and scared, and then after she cries like her heart is broken... I HATE feeling helpless... I wish I could take her in to be checked out and have them magically give her something to help, but I know (from last week and others' recent experiences) that there really isn't anything they can do - other than give her IV fluids if she becomes dehydrated... which I'm doing my best to prevent... but I just can't stand doing nothing.... 24 hours of my Goose being miserable, vomiting, a few diarrhea diapers... ugh. it sucks. thankfully this time there's no fever, but it doesn't make me feel any less helpless... *sigh* hoping & praying she gets over this quickly... we need a shower... or three.


Carri said...

Poor little thing! :(

Unknown said...

Poor Goose! I hope she feels better soon.

EatDrinkBeRunning said...

Poor baby!! Hope she is on the mend and back to normal soon. It's so hard when our babies are sick!

Bruna said...

I feel for you Mama! We've been sick at our house for the last month and it's gone through all of us. NOt fun!

Crystal said...

This is a little late...but I certainly hope all are doing better!!! Girl...we tweeted and shared and then I neglected to come to your blog. I suck! In my has handed me a box of lemmons and there is NO vodka around! I'm FINALLY following you...I've had a craptastic month and a half! Forgive my delay!!