This is my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post hosted by all.things.fadra. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
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INTRO: this may be quite a jumbled post as I have a toddler clinging to my arm - although she really wants to hold my hand... we'll see how it goes... timer... ready... and... GO!
"one"... "two"... my voice is low & stern... and sometimes I don't even get to "two" before Goose decides she's going to comply with my (unreasonable?) demands... "Goose, please pick your crayons up off the floor and put them back on the table" or "Goose, stop jumping on the couch!" and I always follow it up with a "thank you Goose! good listening!" but really... I can't help but think of what my dad always says when my sister or I (or my mom) "counts"... "why are you counting?? you're just giving them time to think about whether or not to obey the rules" and while I somewhat think he has a point (I mean, yeah, does have a point, I shouldn't have to ask her to do something eleventy billion times before she actually does it) but also - she's two... she's easily distracted, she's more into playing and having fun than picking up her toys, crayons, or worrying about her own safety... so I guess I see the counting as more of a way to get her attention than giving her a chance to decide if she's going to do as I've asked or not....
do you count??
I don't count. When I ask something, I mean it now, not in five seconds. I don't play those games!
I count. Most of the time? It works, the times it doesn't? It's usually when the boy is too riled up to care.
I am curious as to how Carri gets her children to do something right away! I need all the help I can get.
Counting is one of the few things that works with my stubborn-headed kid. In fact, it surprised me the first time I did it and he panicked! I say, if it works, use it. Who cares about the logic?!?
I guess my nieces and nephews know that when I give them an order, I mean business. I never need to count. Oh. and when they don't comply? I use my mom's old trick (I can hardly believe I'm gonna admit this!) - I tell them how disappointed I am in their behavior. :) mean me.
I don't number count - I "stare you down" count. If I look at you twice, it's over. I like the fact that I don't even have to say a word :)
I don't count, but I'm also in the "Whatever Works" camp. The only time I do actually count is when my (highly emotional four-year old) daughter is crying over something small. I give her to 3 (or sometimes to 6, if she asks) to calm down and breathe right and then we talk.
I count too, though I try not to do it that often. It's mostly a means of getting Colton's attention when nothing else works!
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