18 months ago I'd been a mom for 3 days...
I was exhausted. my girl-parts ached. my nipples were sore, ravaged, tender, on fire.
I'd changed more diapers in those three days than ever in my 28.5 years.
I'd laughed, cried, cuddled, kissed, snuggled, dressed, undressed, nursed...
I'd barely slept, eaten, showered, left the house...
I'd fallen more deeply into love than I'd ever thought possible... I dozed, waking to check on G every time she moved or made a sound... I watched her, oh how I watched her... I'd sit holding her or staring at her in her swing or bassinet or infant seat, just watching... watching her breathe, the faces she made, the way her lips would pucker, purse or open to let loose with a scream of hunger...
I had no idea of just how fast time would fly... how independent she would become, and how quickly... I had no idea that there would be times that I was so terrified, or over-joyed by something that she had done, or that had happened...
I was clueless about so many things... and 18 months later, I still am... but one thing I do know for certain, my Goose has grown from a tiny little 6lb screaming red bundle, to a 20ish lb curly-haired, chubby-cheeked, smiling, happy little whirlwind... and that whether she's in the middle of a terrible-two's temper tantrum, sitting still long enough to give Momma a hug & kiss before saying goodbye for the day, consenting to let me snuggle her before bed, or sleeping, she is the love of my life, the reason I was created, and she's my entire heart.
Hubs and I had no idea just how lucky we were 18 months and 3 days ago... and 18 months later, we have only an inkling of just how much joy she's brought, and will continue to bring, to our lives...
Happy Half-Birthday Goose (3 days late... surprise, surprise) ;) We love you so much. ~Momma & Papa
You said all of that perfectly! I know I felt like that when we brought our little bean home. You just don't "get it" till you have been through it.
Happy 1.5 Birthday sweet girl!!!
It is amazing how these littl girls just capture our hearts.
So sweet! :)
Awww, so sweet and so true. Brings tears to my eyes!
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